Yellow Jacket Removal
Do you need to get rid of Yellow Jackets? We can help!

Yellow Jacket Removal Strategies
A common sight at late summer picnics, yellow jackets are predatory wasps that can be found throughout the United States. They forage in garbage and are known scavengers, feeding on foods rich in sugars. These pests can be rather aggressive when defending their nests, which can lead to multiple, painful stings.
Yellow Jacket Problem

Dangers of Yellow Jacket Infestation
Individuals with a known allergy to wasp venom are at risk when yellow jackets are around. Hives built in the spaces between walls and ceilings can quickly grow to include large numbers of the pests, making removal difficult and dangerous. They are also known to build hives near patio furniture, playground equipment, and other outdoor areas frequented by people. When yellow jackets build their nests in the ground, simply mowing the lawn can become a dangerous endeavor.
Humane Yellow Jacket Removal & Control Strategies

Entry into homes or businesses
Yellow jackets enter homes and yards with some frequency. Open garbage bins and homeowners eating outdoors can entice these pests to come around in search of easy food. Gardens and ornamental plantings can attract the various insects that the yellow jacket feeds on, which draws them to the area as well.

Trapping & Removal
Most store-bought trapping methods serve as short-term solutions, but yellow jackets are known to find alternate entry and exit points to their hives once trapped. In order to safely and effectively remove these pests from in and around the home, call professional pest specialists. Trutech technicians have the proper training and tools to eliminate yellow jacket problems.

Prevention & Exclusion
Sealing trash containers and cleaning up after cooking and eating outside can help keep yellow jacket infestations at bay, but only to an extent. Homeowners should also close off any potential entry points into the home in order to keep these social pests from nesting indoors.