How to Identify Rodents in Your Yard
Rodents are characterized by a single pair of continuously growing incisors in each of the upper and lower jaws. Rodents are mammals; in fact, around 40% of all mammal species are rodents. They are incredibly diverse. They can adapt to live in urban and suburban habitats; both inside your home or in your yard. Whether […]
The Best Rodent Traps
Of all the critters known for infesting homes, rodents are among the most difficult to deal with. They are infamous for their resourcefulness, their intelligence, and the staggering rate at which they breed. So, to put it simply, a rodent infestation is a serious issue. Perhaps the most popular way to deal with rats and […]
How to Get Rid of Rodents
There’s an old rule of thumb that for every mouse you see in the home, another ten are hiding out. Spotting a mouse making a mad dash across your kitchen floor, therefore, has worrying implications. There’s a few reasons rats and mice are considered some of the more formidable nuisance animals—they breed rapidly, need very […]
Rat Sounds
Oftentimes, rat sounds are the first indicators of rodent problems within the home. When indoors, these pests can be heard gnawing on floor joists, siding, and electrical wiring to grind down their front teeth. They also scamper around within walls, commonly leading homeowners to misidentify them as larger pests. However, when the scurrying is paired […]