
Lizard Information
Lizards are a species of reptile most commonly found in many parts of the southeastern and southwestern United States. Although they feed off of pesky insects, lizards can also prove quite a nuisance when they invade your yard, garage, or even your house. Lizards have sticky feet that they use for climbing up walls and trees.

What does a Lizard look like?
Lizards are a species of reptile most commonly found in many parts of the southeastern and southwestern United States. Although they feed off of pesky insects, lizards can also prove quite a nuisance when they invade your yard, garage, or even your house. Lizards have sticky feet that they use for climbing up walls and trees. Because of their small size, if there are any gaps in your walls, lizards can easily climb through and enter into your home. As they are very quick, it can be difficult, and dangerous to the lizards, to try and catch them on your own.

What does a Lizard eat?
While lizards come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, they do share some common features, including rough, scaly skin, claws, and tails. They can be further distinguished by their ear openings and movable eyelids. The reptile grouping is also known for being able to detach their tails to escape danger, though not all species are capable of this.

Lizard habitats
Generally speaking, lizards are found in deserts, rocky regions, wooded areas, plains, and swamps. In climates with winter seasons, lizards will sleep during the cold weather only to reemerge as warmer temperatures return. Preferred environments have plentiful sources of food and shelter. Due mainly to their exotic-looking nature, lizards are popular pets. Species like the tegu lizard and green iguana are among the most common domestic lizards. They are considered invasive species in many places as their difficult care regimen results in pet owners releasing them into the wild.